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在中国目前抗击新型冠状病毒进入攻坚阶段之时,我校校友、一带一路学院和新兴市场研究院2019届毕业生、埃及外贸与工业部首席经济研究员Hisham Abubakr Metwally 昨天(2月18日)在《中国日报》发表英文文章认为,中国战“疫”为世界树立榜样。


Hisham Abu Bakr Metwally


















注:原文作者Hisham Abu Bakr Metwally, 埃及外贸与工业部首席经济研究员,北京师范大学“发展中国家硕士项目”2019届学员上文由北京师范大学一带一路学院、新兴市场研究院翻译。


Country setting example for world

By Hisham Abu Bakr Metwally, China Daily, 2020-02-18

China has been facing a formidable challenge these days in the form of a deadly virus that does not differentiate between big and small, and affects everyone.

The novel coronavirus struck when Chinese families were preparing to celebrate the Lunar New Year, causing untold misery and bringing life to a standstill across China.

China has always been able to face challenges with determination and hard work. The country has become an economic superpower, thanks to its strong leadership, which encourages innovation.

Having inspired the world through hard work, China is now setting an example through its fight against the novel coronavirus pneumonia outbreak. The large turnout of volunteers helping the nation combat the virus is an example of Chinese willingness to make sacrifices for the country.

China has been transparent in dealing with the disease, now named COVID-19, and sharing all details with other countries, which has helped to prevent its spread to more countries.

Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi has expressed his solidarity with China and the Chinese people, and Egypt has sent medical aid to the Chinese. On learning there was a severe shortage of face masks, Egyptian companies sent masks to China.

The news of the virus's spread, the havoc it created in terms of casualties, and the manner in which it paralyzed life in China came as a shock in Egypt.

Egypt shares very close relations with China, and it is also an important trade partner, importing goods worth about $13 billion in 2019, and exporting goods to China worth about $1.4 billion.

There is a large Egyptian community in China, with many Egyptians pursuing higher studies.

Despite the fear of the virus, many Egyptian students have preferred to remain in China because they are confident that China will be able to overcome the situation. Egyptian students feel safe in China.

There is no doubt the current situation in China will have an impact on countries around the world, since many countries depend on Chinese imports in different sectors. The fact that millions of Chinese tourists have stopped traveling will affect the tourism sector all over the world.

All countries should contribute to eliminating the virus and providing all possible support-material, technical and moral.

China was one of the countries that provided assistance to the African continent. Thank you, China, and we are with you.

We, as Arab, Islamic and African peoples, salute China's steadfastness, and we all stand with the Chinese people and the government in eliminating this virus, and restoring normal life in China.

Let us all pray for the long-term prosperity and growth of China.

(The author is first economist researcher at the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Trade and Industry. The views do not necessarily reflect those of China Daily )
