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4月3日,波黑前总理、北师大一带一路学院特聘教授兹拉特科·拉古姆季亚(Zlatko Lagumdzija)给一带一路学院师生发来视频,寄语师生们通过这次疫情经历,要从中得到有益的启示。他认为,就是要深刻理解五个关键词,努力为建设美好新世界做出自己的贡献。














附:Zlatko Lagumdzija 教授视频英文原文如下:

Dear Belt and Road School colleagues in Zhuhai, my dear friend Professor Hu, 

We are all witnessing time of great changes from the current world. We started understanding the new post-Corona world that we have to created. Leadership is needed as never before in our lifetime, hoping the global political, business, social and academic leaders have learned lessons from Corona epidemic and its impact on our lives. I am looking forward and having more trusts in the new generation of leaders in different parts of the world that can make real and necessary changes. 

Recently I have been meeting with some brilliant new generation leaders, which are making me confident that our shared future may be better than it looks now. You, my colleagues from Belt and Road School are definitely among the brightest leaders that your communities, businesses, countries, and the brand new world in front of us needs. 

In the end of our gathering last year, I asked you to give me five key words that are defining leadership in a time of sustainable development that we are striving for. After our discussion, five words I consolidated myself, and now I am offering them to you as some kind of starting point-my starting point -for leadership in a battle against deadly virus and sustainable development in shared society of post-Corona world, that we will be witnessing and working along together.

First key word, vision. World will be different with or without our role in great changes that are in front of us, but we can predicate the way to look, like only by creating it the way we want to see it. 

Values. Values are making us better people, ourselves, and our communities in which we are united in our differences. Values as guiding principles along which leadership should be defined in the prosperous world as well as our individual communities or countries. Strengthening international cooperation is possible if we address the values that unit our people and unit us. We hope that this horrific experience will lead to more shared and supported picture for the future.

Persistence is not giving up while confronting the problems that have never been presented before. Every failure has to be a lesson learned and understood before we get up and keep fighting for fulfillment of our shared vision. 

And forth word, partnership. It is about working together. It is about sharing responsibility and creativity, knowledge and wisdom, as well as assets and liabilities.

And finally, passion. Passion for sharing your work in life along the long and winding road, marked with shared values and energized with persistence, in partnership with stakeholders defined by shared vision. 

Now find your own words, like I did mine: vision, values, persistence, partnership, passion. Your own words that will help you on a journey to share goals, think, take care, distance physically and get closer socially.

Good luck!     
