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[预告]03.05 重构法律和秩序里的信任:不同背景下的恢复性司法和警务实践


           Re-building Rrust in Law and Order: Restorative Justice and Policing Practice in Diverse Contexts

时间:2021年3月5日(周五),中国19:30PM / 英国11:30 AM


    北京师范大学 王秀梅教授(Prof. Xiumei Wang)

    英国诺丁汉大学 克里·克兰普教授 (Prof. Kerry Clamp)


    牛津大学 迈拉·布莱斯教授(Prof. Myra Blyth)


    自2020年以来,北京师范大学与牛津大学相继就“疫情对话:新冠疫苗全球分配的公平伦理方案”和 “ 恢复生态系统:联合国十年计划的关键性思考”两个当前世界范围所高度关注的议题进行了线上对话活动,3月5日(本周五)将迎来“恢复”系列主题的第三场活动“法律和秩序里的信任:不同背景下的恢复性司法和警务实践”。




    在全球犯罪率上升和监狱人口增加的背景下,恢复性司法(Restorative Justice)代表了应对犯罪和不法行为的另一种方式。其独特的量刑和争议解决方法是恢复刑事司法系统中的信任和效力,以及积极应对监狱中人口过多和累犯问题的关键。目前,它已在全球40多个国家/地区以各种方式得到实践。









    Xiumei Wang currently serves as Professor of Law at Beijing Normal University and Vice-dean of College for Criminal Law Science. Prof. Wang worked as deputy procurator general at Fangshan District Procuratorate of Beijing (2008-2009), the Hague International Criminal Court's Pre-trial Chamber (04.2004-09-2004), as Associate Professor of Law at Renmin University of China (2000-2005) and Judge at Tianjin Intermediate People's Court (1988-1997).Prof. Wang holds PhD of Law from Renmin University of China. In addition, Prof. Wang was also a visiting scholar at New York University School of Law (1995-1996), a Global Research Fellow (09.2003-02.2004) at Hauser Global Law School Program, and a Fulbright Scholar (2009-2010) both at New York University. Prof. Wang has published a total of 180 papers and authored 45 books. Prof. Wang also serves as Vice President of China Association of Integrity and Law, Vice President of International Association of Penal Law, Editor of “Series on International Criminal Law” and “Howard Journal of Crime and Justice”; Board of Directors at the Siracusa International Institute for Criminal Justice and Human Right,Steering Committee at The Geneva Academy for Anti-Corruption, Integrity and Good Governance.



    Kerry Clamp is an Associate Professor in Criminology at the University of Nottingham. Her research focuses on the application of restorative justice within transitional settings, policing and the community. She is the author of Restorative Justice in Transition (2013), Restorative Justice in Transitional Settings (2016) and Restorative Policing: Concepts, Theory and Practice (2017, co-authored with Craig Paterson). She currently sits on the International Advisory Board for the International Journal of Restorative Justice. She has always had a strong interest in practice and a desire to reduce the boundaries between academia, practice and policymaking. To that end, she was Editor of the Newsletter for the European Forum for Restorative Justice and Chair of the Editorial Committee (2011-2017) and is currently Chair of the Board of Trustees for the Restorative Justice Council (since July 2018). Her new monograph series with Routledge entitled Contemporary Issues in Restorative Practices creates a platform for practitioners to share skills and techniques at the forefront of the field.




    Myra Blyth is a tutorial fellow in Theology and Ecumenical Studies at Regent’s Park College, University of Oxford. Her research explores the interface between theology and society, with specific attention to Restorative Justice. Between 2016 and 2019, with colleagues in Oxford, Sheffield and Ulster, she led an ethnographic research project on the place of forgiveness within Restorative Justice, and she is currently developing plans for a UK-China symposium in 2021 on Restorative Justice philosophy and practice.


    免费参加,注册请前往 “https://www.ox.ac.uk/event/rebuilding-trust-law-and-order-restorative-justice-and-policing-practice-diverse-contexts” 参与对话活动。
