您所在的位置: yd12399云顶集团» 资讯» 学术动态» [预告]11.05 讲座:以视频分析开展科学教与学的研究

[预告]11.05 讲座:以视频分析开展科学教与学的研究

主题:Video analysis as a research method to investigate science teaching and learning(以视频分析开展科学教与学的研究)

主讲人:Knut Neumann博士

主讲人简介:Knut Neumann博士,现任基尔大学莱布尼兹科学教育学院物理教育系教授,英国国家STEM学习中心ENTHUSE项目组成员,德国乌兹堡信息技术与科学学习中心数学咨询委员会成员。曾任德国下萨克森州教师教育测评委员会成员和美国国家科学院科学教育研究委员会成员。研究方向为科学教育。

时间:2019年11月5日 14:00-17:00, 18:00-21:00

地点:京师学堂地下一层 第一会议室

内容简介:Science education research has revealed complex and non-trivial relations between variables at the institutional level (e.g. the curriculum), the instructional level (e.g. cognitive activation) and the individual level (e.g. students’ motivation). To further clarify these relationships, in particular those involving the instructional level, methods are needed that allow for investigating instructional processes of teaching and learning; that is, how teacher and students interact during instruction and how these interactions unfolds over time. Over the past decades, technology has evolved so much, that video analysis has become an affordable method for investigating instructional processes. The short course will introduce the method of video analysis, it will discuss its strengths and weaknesses at practical examples. This discussion will be embedded in a review of the historical development of research on instructional quality, recent work on models of quality science instruction, as well as implications for science teaching and learning and future science education research.

报名方式:请于2019年11月4日17:00前发送报名信息(姓名、单位、联系方式)至中心短期课程邮箱 xt_workshop@bnu.edu.cn
