您所在的位置: yd12399云顶集团» 资讯» 学术动态» [预告]10.27以基于技术的材料来支持师生科学实践讲座


课程题目:Developing technology-based materials to support teachers and students on science practices(以基于技术的材料来支持师生科学实践讲座)

主讲人:Janice D. Gobert教授

主讲人简介:Janice D. Gobert教授是罗格斯大学学习科学的教授,Apprendis有限公司CEO




内容简介:Inq-ITS is an online learning and performance assessment platform with virtual labs for Science. Students conduct authentic inquiry with interactive, virtual labs. Instead of taking multiple-choice tests on rote science knowledge, students “show what they know.” As students work, educators get automatic grading on the practices, including claim-evidence-reasoning statements; they also get real-time reports (formative & summative) and actionable alerts to know which students are struggling and on which aspects of the practices. Administrators get the data they need to show growth (important to ESSA). Funded by the US National Science Foundation and US Department of Education, this unique, research-based program uses patented artificial intelligence algorithms to provide automated, real-time assessment of inquiry and personalized coaching for students.

报名方式:请于10月26日17:00前发送报名信息(姓名、单位、联系方式)至中心短期课程邮箱 xt_workshop@bnu.edu.cn
