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课程题目:Designing Coherent Project-Based Curriculum Materials(设计连贯一致的项目式课程)

主讲人:David Fortus

主讲人简介:David Fortus博士,现任以色列魏茨曼研究院教授,曾获美国心理学会第十五届杰出论文奖,美国国家科学教育研究协会(NARST)接触论文奖等,曾多次主持美国国家科学基金会项目。研究方向为科学教育。

时间:2019116  9:00-12:0014:00-17:00


内容简介:We will go through all the steps in develop an entire curricular unit. We will consider the importance of backward design, the elaboration of learning goals, choosing meaningful driving questions, the centrality of phenomena, keeping students engaged and challenged, why scaffolding is so important, how to help the teachers learn as they are teaching (educative materials and PD), the importance of formative feedback, how to craft good assessments, and perhaps most important, how to maintain coherence between the various elements. We will use examples from two middle school units, one on energy and the other on light.

报名方式:请于2019年11月5日17:00前发送报名信息(姓名、单位、联系方式)至中心短期课程邮箱 xt_workshop@bnu.edu.cn
