您所在的位置: yd12399云顶集团» 资讯» 学术动态» [预告]10.26京师经管名家讲坛(第80期)暨瀚德国际经济大讲堂



主题:Transportation Policies and Equilibrium Sorting: Evidence from Beijing






主讲人:李善军 康奈尔大学达森应用经济学与管理学院教授


主持人:李   实 北京师范大学经济与工商管理学院教授




Air pollution and traffic congestion are two of the most pressing urban challenges in many fast-growing economies. Various transportation policies from both the demand and supply sides including congestion pricing, driving restrictions, the gasoline tax, and the expansion of public transit have been adopted to address these issues. We develop and estimate a residential location sorting model to examine the interactions of transportation policies and household sorting. The sorting model incorporates commuting decisions and generates equilibrium predictions of household locations under different transportation policies. We estimate the model parameters using a large household travel survey and rich housing transaction data in Beijing. The analysis illustrates the importance of incorporating travel mode choices in household location decisions and the importance of understanding sorting behavior in designing effective transportation policies.






李善军教授本科毕业于南开大学国际经济系,2007年在美国杜克大学取得经济学博士学位。现在康奈尔大学达森应用经济学与管理学院担任肯尼斯·罗宾逊终身职讲席教授,康奈尔大学中国经济研究所主任,美国国民经济研究局研究员。李善军教授的研究领域包括环境与能源经济学,产业组织和中国经济问题。李善军教授目前担任环境与资源经济学领域国际顶级期刊Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 的共同主编, Resource and Energy Economics 和 China Economic Review 的副主编,及Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 的编委会成员。

