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[预告]09.26 统计学院学术报告(第19期)


主讲人:SIMOS  G.   MEINTANIS( Pennsylvania State University 


主讲人介绍: S.G. Meintanis is Professor of Statistics and Econometrics. His research interest focus on statistical inference procedures with special emphasis on models which are relevant in Economics and Finance. Prof. Meintanis has published more than 100 research papers in international peer-reviewed journals. He has also been a member of the editorial board of Communications in Statistics-Theory & Methods, Communications in Statistics-Simulation & Computation, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, Journal of Statistical Theory & Practice, and other journals. He has several international research collaborations and has delivered invited talks in many universities and international conferences



报告题目:Tests for independence involving spherical data


报告摘要: We propose consistent procedures for testing independence of circular variables based on the empirical characteristic function. The new methods are first specified for observations lying on a torus, i.e. for bivariate circular data, but it is shown that these methods can readily be  extended to arbitrary dimension. The large--sample behavior of the test statistic is investigated under fixed alternatives. Finite--sample results  are also presented.


报告时间:2018年9月26日(周三) 15:00



