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[预告]04.13 专家讲座——The Atmospheric Sciences Program at Texas A&M University

主  题:The Atmospheric Sciences Program at Texas A&M University

主讲人:杨平 教授

时间:2018年4月13日(周五) 15:30-17:00  

地点:京师科技大厦B 座 520  


Dr. Ping Yang will first introduce the Atmospheric Sciences Program at Texas A&M University. The second part of this talk will be on the genesis and evolution of atmospheric single/multiple-scattering research. Furthermore, the talk will illustrate the importance of an appropriate parameterization of ice cloud radiative properties in general circulation models. This talk is intended for a general audience and will be understandable to undergraduate students.


Dr. Ping Yang is Professor and Head of the Department of Atmospheric Sciences at Texas A&M University, College Station, TX. He is the holder of the David Bullock Harris Chair in Geosciences. Yang has published 306 peer-reviewed journal papers, 11 book chapters, and 3 books. The citations (based on the Web of Science) of his journal publications are 9340 with an H---index of 47 (the Google Scholar citations are 14243 with an H---index of 60). Yang is a recipient of the 2017 NASA Exceptional Scientific Achievement Medal. He received the Ascent Award by the AGU Atmospheric Sciences Section in 2013. He is a Fellow of the Optical Society of America (elected in 2010), a Fellow of the American Meteorological Society (elected in 2013), and a Fellow of American Geophysical Union (AGU, elected in 2015). He currently serves as an editor for the Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, an editor/editorial board member for Theoretical and Applied Climatology, and an associate editor for the Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer. He is also on the editorial board of Remote Sensing of Environment.
