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[预告]05.25 Satellite Remote Sensing and Climate Studies in the Arctic

  主讲人:William Perrie 教授


  主持人:陈卓奇 副教授


  时 间:5月25日(周五)14:00-16:00


  地 点:京师科技大厦B座318



  William Perrie,加拿大贝德福德海洋研究所教授,资深科学家,Ocean modeling主编,主要从事海浪预报、海浪与海冰相互作用、海洋中小尺度观测与模拟、极地区域气候模式和遥感观测等方面的研究。



  We first describe a recent field experiment which is intended to develop a climatology for sea state and sea ice in the Beaufort-and Chukchi Seas, to identify factors affecting the spatial and temporal variability of sea state, and to improve forecasting of waves and ice. This includes models for retrievals of sea ice information and melt ponds on the ice surface, using satellite remote sensing. We then provide a description of the linkage between atmospheric and oceanic dynamic, and how these processes can relate to summer sea ice retreat and autumn ice advance. Finally we show results from longer terms simulations on decadal timescales.
